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is not configured to automatically retrieve and activate renewal licenses, you must manually apply the license.

The option for SANnav to automatically retrieve and activate renewal licenses is configured during installation. (See SANnav Installation Customization for more details.)

When you purchase a renewal license, the license certificate is sent in an email, and the Broadcom licensing portal is updated with the new license certificate. The serial number of the new license must match the serial number of the existing license.

Once a month, checks the licensing portal. If a new license certificate is found, automatically retrieves it from the licensing portal and activates it. Starting 90 days before the license expiration date, checks the licensing portal daily. When you log in to

, a pop-up message alerts you that your license is about to expire and prompts you to renew the license.

When you renew a license, the new expiration date is the expiration date of the new license.

If SANnav does not automatically apply the license, you must perform the following steps to manually apply the license.

When the new license is applied, whether automatically or manually, all logged-in users are logged out and must log in again.