Stage 5: Hiring Staff

Make no mistake, human capital is one of the most important aspects of any small business, and schools are no exception. In fact, the employees you hire as a school leader will define the product (education) that you deliver to your customers (parents) and will also determine how long your doors remain open.

Below is a list of the positions that will need to be filled at your school, but understand that the size of your school and what your school specializes in will control which staff you hire. For instance, a 100-student charter school probably doesn’t need a Dean of Students when the Assistant Principal could just as easily fulfill that role, whereas a 1,000-student school would likely benefit from having a staff member focused entirely on discipline. Likewise, a smaller school probably doesn’t need a registrar when the front-office administrator could probably handle those duties. Moreover, if you’re planning a specialty school (fine arts, health theme, STEM academy, etc.) you’ll want to make sure to focus on the staff members that pertain most to the theme.

Although combining some positions with others can save a lot of money, be sure to compensate the additional work appropriately and don’t overload your employees with responsibility as they could become burned out quickly and quit.

Charter school jobs: Administration

Charter school jobs: Instruction

Teachers: essentially the creators of your school’s value, your teacher corps is easily the largest, most expensive, and most valuable line item in your HR budget