Power of Mind

All praise and thanksgiving for the presence of Allah SWT to this day still gives the breath of life and the gift of reason, so that I can finish making this paper with the title "Present Continuous Tense" just in time. Thank you also to all parties who have helped to be able to compile this paper.

This simple paper is made to fulfill one of the English course tasks. This paper discusses the present continuous definition, its function, the present continuous formula, and the use of tobe in the present continuous tense. Finally I thank you for your attention to this paper, and the author hopes that this paper will be useful for myself and especially readers in general.

Finally, no human being escaped error and deficiency. With all the humility, constructive suggestions and critiques I expect from readers to improve the quality of this paper and other papers in the future.

Tangerang, March 20, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD . ii TABLE OF CONTENS . iii CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY . 1 a. Background . 1 b. Problem identification . 1 c. Purpose . 1 CHAPTER II DISCUSSION . 2 a. Sense of present continuous tense . 2 b. Present continuous tense function . 3 c. Present continuous form . 4 d. How to establish present participle . 7 e. Verbs that can not be used innthe present continuous form . 7 BAB III CLOSING PROBLEMS . 9 a. Conclusion . 9 b. Suggestions . 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background

English is the international language. By mastering English well, then we will be able to communicate with other nations in this world. In addition, we will also be able to increase our insight and knowledge for the better of our nation and country, for we will be able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and help other science films. Thus, ultimately we can master the knowledge in all fields.

B. Problem Identification In this paper we conclude some of which we will discuss, namely: 1. What is Present Continuous Tense? 2. How to use Present Continuous Tense, what is the formula, division and example? C. Purpose

From the identification of the problem, above the writers of course aim to explain or explain the points, in accordance with the knowledge we get, both from the source book and from our teachers. Hopefully it will benefit us. If any errors or words are written in this paper, please apologize profusely.


Present continuous tense or present progressive tense is a verb form used to express current action (present) or future plan (future). There is no division of tobe and verb, because it is tobe in continuous tense for auxiliary verb.

The time statement used in the present progressive tense is : Now : sekarang Right Now : sekarang ini, sekarang juga At Present : pada waktu ini, sekarang ini To day : Hari ini This week : Minggu ini This morning : pagi ini Soon : segera At present : pada saat ini Right now : saat ini This afternoon: sore ini In a few days : dalam beberapa hari The main point in the present continuous tense

1. Auxiliary (Kata Bantu)

The auxilliaries used in the Present Continuous Tense formation are: be-present, whose members consist of 3 types of beams: Am, Is and Are. Each of these be-present members is used by subject.
• If the subject is: I, then use be-present AM.
• If the subject is: You, We or They or its equivalent, then use be-present ARE, and
• If the subject is: He, She or It or its equivalent, then use be-present IS.

This provision is absolute as a form of rules or rules of Grammar English (English Grammar).
Since the auxiliary be-present is used as a "tool" to assist in the formation of the tense Present Continuous Tense, the auxiliary be-present may be referred to as auxiliary verb. In this case, the verb is: Verb-Ing.

2. Verb (Kata Kerja)

The verb (verb) used in the Present Continuous Tense formation is the Verb Present Participle, also called Verb-Ing or Ing Form Verb, the basic verb (Bare-infinitive/ Infinitive) which added suffixes (Suffix) in the form: -Ing.

Example :
Go + ing > going
Send + ing > sending
Walk + ing > walking
Speak + ing > speaking, dsb. B. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE FUNCTION Function Sample Sentence Present Continuous Tense Present continuous tense to discuss an action that is happening now. She is brushing the bathroom floor.
(Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi.) I’m driving a car to Bandung now.
(Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)

He’s learning English in order to be a great guide.
(Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat.)

Present continuous tense to discuss a plan or move to a place

I’m spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month.
(Saya sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta akhir bulan depan.)

You can’t call me this night. I’m going to my best friend’s wedding.
(Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat saya.)

The buses are arriving in an hour.
(Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam.) I’m moving to West Jakarta this month.
(Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini.) Present continuous tense to express annoyance for repeated actions. Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
(Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya?)

I’m getting sick of you always asking the same questions.
(Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama.)

C. PRESENT CONTINUOUS FORM 1. Pembentukan Present Progressive Tense 1. Bentuk Positif/Berita Subject + is/am/are + V-ing + Object + adverb - you are watching football now - They are driving to scholl today 2. Bentuk Negatif atau Menyangkal Subject + is/am/are + not + V-ing + Object + adverb - you are not watching football now - They are not driving to scholl today 3. Bentuk Pertanyaan a) Pertanyaan Yes/No Is/am/are + Subject + not + V-ing + Object + Adverb? - Are you watching football now? - Are they not driving to school today b) Pertanyaan Wh-

Untuk membentuk pertanyaan wh, tambahkan kata wh (what, where, when, dll), ubah posisi subjek dan to be, dan tambahkan tanda tanya. Contoh:

- What are they watching? - When are they watching football? - Why are they not driving to school today?

· Verbal
(+) S + To be ( is/am/are)+ Ving
(-) S + To be ( is/am/are)+ Not+ Ving
(?) To be ( is/am/are) + S + Ving

Example of a Verbal Sentence
(+) I am playing volley ball
(+) I am looking for my eraser
(+) He is still traveling to Timor Leste for business.
(+) He is speaking English
(+) He is driving a car
(+) He is riding on horse
(+) They are waiting you now
(+) I am listening to the music
(+) They are reading their lessons
(-) He is not speaking English
(-) They are not reading their lessons.
(-) He is not sleeping in his room
(-) They are not waiting you now
(-) I am not writing now
(-) He is not riding on a horse
(-) She is not reading now
(?) Is she waiting for you?
(?) Are you still working?
(?) Are you writing now?
(?) Are you reading now?
(?) Am I playing cricket?
(?) Are they playing football?

· Nominal
(+) S + to be (is/am/are) + ANA
(-) S + To be (is/am/are) + not + ANA
(?) To be (is/am/are) + S + ANA

Example of a nominal sentence
(+) Mr. Perdianto is busy now
(+) You are beautiful
(+) She is sad
(+) You are handsome
(+) You are very diligent
(+) She is smart
(+) He is a doctor
(-) She is not smart
(-) I am not a teacher
(-) He is not a doctor
(?) Is he handsome?
(?) Is she a doctor?
(?) Are they happily?

- ANA = Adjective, Noun, Adverb
- Verbal = There is a verb
- Nominal = No There are no verbs D. HOW TO ESTABLISH PRESENT PARTICIPLE

1. If the infinitive ends in the vowel -e preceded by the consonant, -e must be omitted, then augmented-ing.
Ex: smile → smiling

2. If the infinitive ends in the vowel -e preceded by the vowel i, first -ie is replaced by y, then plus-ing.
Ex: die → dying

3. If the basic, one-syllable verb form of the verb ends with a dead letter vocalized by a vowel, the last consonant is then duplicated and augmented –ing.

Ex: stop → stopping

4. If the basic form of a syllable verb is two or more, the pressure falls on the last syllable and ends with a dead letter which is prompted by a vowel, the last consonant being duplicated and then augmented -ing.

Ex: admit → admitting

If the infinitive ends in vocal -e preceded by vocal -e as well, just add -ing.
Ex: flee – fleeing.


1. Verbs about feelings, such as; hear, feel, notice, see, smell.
Example : I feel heavy in the head.

2. Verbs that express emotion, such as; appreciate, care, desire, fear, hate, like, dislike, love, mind, want.

Example : I like Mr. Brown.

3. Verbs about mind like; agree, belive, expect, forget, remember, know, mean, understand.
Example : I forget what she said.

4. Verbs that show belongings or possessions such as; belong, owe, posses, own.
Example : He owns two cars.

5. Verbal auxiliary except for be and have in special use except for feel words can be used for simple present tense or in continuous tense form if followed by adjective showing emotion or state of soul of subject, as : angry/pleased, cold/hot, happy/sad, ill/well, confident/nervous.

Example : - I feel good now atau I am feeling good now. Brain game. CHAPTER III CLOSING PROBLEMS 1. Conclusion

Present Progressive Tense or also called present continuous tense is a form of time used to declare an action, state or event that is happening at the time of discussion.
The formula:

Subject + is/am/are + V-ing + Object + adverb. We are studying English now.

The time statement in the present progressive tense is usually an imperative, because the context of time in the command line is current or at the time of speaking.

2. Suggestions
By understanding the explanation of present progressive tense, it is expected to use it in making sentences correctly.